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One of the newest members of our account team, Susie Hakala, brings a strong background in video, live events and med tech marketing to Introworks’ clients. She’s a family person (7 sibs, 2 kids), a dog person (dog mom to two of “the cutest dogs on the planet”) and, as noted in #5 below, a conversion van superfan who digs attending monthly vanner parties and is saving up to get her ’90 Econoline painted sky blue, to set off the (mint-condition) deep blue interior.


Blue square, no text. 1. What is your favorite color, other than orange?
Simple graphic of a poolside. Blue waves along the bottom, gray deck with ladder, and an orange umbrella. 2. What are you most looking forward to during our 17 days of Minnesota summer?
Air conditioning and hangin’ at the pool.
Graphic of four dots of color with varying smiley faces drawn on them. 3. What do you like to do when you’re not working?
I like to spend time with my family at home. My two kiddos are at a fun age.
Graphic of black a conversion van with a teal stripe across the middle. 4. Give us an interesting fact that most people don’t know about you
I’m obsessed with full size conversion vans.
A simple graphic line drawing using orange. It is an open book with a video camera integrated on the right side. 5. What book are you reading or show you are streaming?
Just started Poker Face…jury is still out. Show? Succession, obviously.
Emoji-like yellow hand making a snapping gesture with it's thumb and finger. 6. If you had a slogan or tagline, what would it be?
Easy does it.
Emoji of yellow smiley face with squinty eyes and teeth showing in a full smile. 7. Describe yourself in 5 words
Happy, curious, extroverted, talkative, but not when it comes to describing myself, which is why I can’t think of a fifth.

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