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Fast legs. Get into it. One is good, two is better. Choose a new route. The naked truth. Live it, learn it.

These are new concepts developed for and being used successfully by Introworks clients. Notice anything? None is especially mind-boggling, although the majority of the products and services represented are about as complex as can be.

In today’s highly competitive, increasingly commodity-ridden business landscape, in order to cut through the clutter it’s imperative that you quickly connect with your audience on a conceptual level, even if what you’re selling is highly technical or clinical in nature.

Why? Because the act of purchasing is a process that employs awareness, interest, trial and action. To start, you have to make your audience aware of what you’re selling. In our view, the single best way to do that is to distill the attributes of your product, service or corporation into their absolute essence and then translate the result into simple, clear, concise messages that turn the profusion into a sale.

That’s where companies like Introworks have an important role. Quite simply, the desired ‘wow’ concept more often than not comes from people with the advantage of outsider perspective, those close enough to your business to quickly grasp the details yet far enough back to see the big picture. With all due respect, you’re likely too close to your product or service. So much of your time has to be spent on features and logic-based details that you just can’t give adequate attention to communications that work on an emotional benefit level. Remember our credo: Lead with emotion, backfill with logic.

Quickly connect with your audience on a conceptual level, even if what you’re selling is highly technical or clinical in nature.

The value of attention-getting and memorable communications that connect with your audience is inarguable. Here’s how these particular concepts were put to work:

– Fast legs. A campaign promoting a faster way to remove thrombus in peripheral arteries.

– Get into it. The tagline for accompaniment software that makes practicing music more fun and engaging.

– One is good, two is better. The message promoting a two-pathway solution for prevention of tissue valve calcification vs. the competition’s.

– Choose a new route. A campaign delineating why a new trucking industry mobile communications technology is better than the old.

– The naked truth. A campaign that delivers facts to urologists regarding the efficacy of BPH therapies.

– Live it, learn it. The tagline for a company marketing educational tools that simulate real-life experience.

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