Rocket Fuel

Two people high-fiving. A white woman smiles wearing glasses, she holds her hand up to high five a person sitting across a table from her. The person has their back tot he camera and is blurred out but has short brown hair, white skin and a longsleeve shirt.

How to make the national sales meeting a freakin success

You can almost hear those NSM high fives

It’s fall when the sweating starts, while you’re juggling a zillion things, and smoothly moving the needle forward. Bam! Here it is again, nagging at you — the thing that keeps you up at night. N.S.M., A.G.A.I.N.

Despite the many marketing efforts you support, much of the role of the medtech marketer is still defined by and dedicated to supporting your direct channel: the sales organization. If you’re not garnering their ongoing confidence and conviction, you can lose traction.

An annual sales or training meeting is a time to shine. It presents the perfect opportunity for organizational alignment. You’re launching the year, after all. So, you certainly can’t wing it, wrap a theme in a bow or treat it like a pep rally. The sizzle needs steak. And you need some high-fives. We got you.


Will it be a high five or a handshake?

Imagine: It’s February. You’re in a Tucson hotel. The final event of the sales meeting has concluded, everybody files out and heads to the bar.

Drinks are being drink-ed. Appetizers are appetizing. Music is humming above the chatter. Your sales team bellies up to the bar next to you. What happens next? Is the chattering flattering?

The after-show reaction of the sales team is the real gauge of success. How’d it go? Here’s how you can tell in this “very scientific” rating scale we totally made up:


“Very Scientific” Rating Scale for Measuring NSM Success

Feedback at each level shall be scored by matching the verbal feedback to the section it matches on the scale below.

Cold Shoulder to Handshake (1 point)

“Thanks for your hard work. I appreciate you putting this together. I listened. I cheered. It was loud, but a bit…eh. Been here, done this. Last year.”

Handshake to Pat on Back (3-4 points)

“Great stuff. Everybody looked terrific on stage. Such a cool theme — love those backpacks. Although I didn’t hear any discussion about the legacy portfolio and our product pipeline.”

Pat on Back to High-Five (5 points)

“Wow! Just wow! Nailed it. My team is excited to get back out there. This company is going places. I could tell you actually listened to us, and I absolutely LOVE the video with real customers. Kudos! You’re my most favorite marketing friend — and the best looking and you’re funny, and did I mention how smart you are?”

Our bet is you get the high five because you’re a freakin’ success yourself. Of course you are. Add the following guide into your current process and keep those high fives rolling in.


Five Steps to a Successful National Sales Meeting (aka The Guide to Getting the Ultimate NSM High Fives)

  1. Commit to Launch and Start Early
        • Commit to treating the sales meeting as a launch of the business year
        • Give yourself no less than 2 months to plan out the launch strategy planning and sales meeting execution (3 months is even better)


  2. Form a Core NSM Team
        • Choose (4-6) members from sales, marketing, communications and leadership
        • This team will be centrally involved through the launch process and will have open discussion, make key decisions and act as champions for the initiative


  3. Define Success
          • With your core team, align on company goals for the year, KPIs and any specific methods for reaching those goal


  4. Collect and Synthesize Stakeholder Input
        • Gather input from stakeholders in marketing, sales and executive leadership
        • Synthesize the stakeholder input and add your insights
        • Develop theme and messaging territories, and express how that will play out on the big stage, in breakout sessions and in day-to-day business
        • Test and decide on a direction by testing territories with your core team
        • Finally, gain executive team buy-in on your theme and strategy


  5. Execute/Activate
      • Take leadership of the organizational plan and create a remarkable experience for the company.


We’d love to talk to you about your sales meeting plans and how we can assist you to plan it, take it up a notch or brainstorm some ideas with you. Let’s talk NSMs.

“Thanks to Introworks NSM Booster, we had a fantastic annual sales meeting. The North America team loved the theme, deliverables, and the actionable messaging we used to unify our plan for the year. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and sets a new standard and high bar for the future.” Alan Mueller, Director of Marketing, OpSens Medical

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