We always say that launch is a verb.
A corollary to that is that as you bring a launch to life, other verbs come into the picture: See. Hear. Touch. Explore. Excite. Engaging your audiences through sensory experiences helps differentiate your offering, intensify your impact and create deeper impressions.
That doesn’t necessarily mean a high-cost, high-technology extravaganza, like, say, a larger-than-life interactive model, or a holographic environment, or a virtual reality simulation, or multimedia production with singing, dancing, life-sized puppets.
Although that would be amazing.
What we have found is that when they’re done strategically and creatively, relatively modest experiences can have a disproportionately powerful impact.

Feelin’ Blu
To convince fleet owners to upgrade to PeopleNet’s new BLU.2 onboard computers and tablets for trucks, we knew the key was hands-on experience. And PeopleNet’s annual User Conference was the ideal opportunity to provide it.
To give the boldness and innovation of the new system its due, we chose not to display the BLU.2 units at a booth, or on a table in an exhibition hall. Rather we created an exclusive demo room bathed in blue—blue light, blue furnishings (well, actually white ones that looked blue in the light), blue beverages, blue finger foods to nibble on while mingling and chatting about fleet efficiency… The vibe was cool, fun and laid back, in an exciting-stuff-is-going-on-here kind of way. Attendees flocked in to immerse themselves in BLU. They tried out the new systems, conversed, asked questions, and many scheduled follow-ups with PeopleNet sales reps. Altogether a very successful effort, that generated valuable momentum for the BLU.2 launch.
For the relaunch of DOW HYPERSHELL reverse osmosis elements for the dairy industry, we needed a way to highlight the extreme durability of the elements. The obvious answer: A bad-tempered bovine mascot with destructive tendencies. The new HYPERSHELL spokescow, Darla, was to make her debut at the upcoming International Dairy Show. To make sure she—and HYPERSHELL—got the attention they deserved, we created an email campaign featuring animations of Darla trying to destroy the product. The emails linked to a landing page where visitors could download Darla wallpapers and ringtones. The series landed numerous solid leads, and set the stage for the dairy show, where attendees stopped by the booth to learn more about the product, as well as show off their cowtastic Darla ringtones.

Friendly takeover
Calabrio, a spinoff of Spanlink, wanted to make its name known in the customer contact center marketplace as fast as possible. A tradeshow was coming up, and we sprang into action with guerrilla tactics that blanketed the venue with messaging inspired by Calabrio’s tagline, “There’s no end to better.”
From the lobby to hotel rooms, to elevators, bathrooms and potted plants, “better” messaging sprouted up. Everything from bar coasters and floor decals to restroom mirrors and team t-shirts was fair game. “This meeting could be shorter.” “This room could be bigger.” “I could dress better.” Each of these mini brand episodes directed traffic to Calabrio’s booth. The buzz was terrific, so loud, in fact, that the show organizers asked us to cease and desist. On the other hand, Calabrio went from zero name recognition to established player in 48 hours, proof that sometimes it’s best to act first and ask forgiveness later.