Your one and only

Your One and Only | Introworks

In a hyper-competitive world, it’s more important than ever to stand out from the crowd. But with so many touting similar benefits, how do you do that?

You make your way apart from the crowd, to a place where only you can stand.

Then you claim that place for yourself. Sorry folks, nobody else gets in. It’s yours and yours alone. Your one-and-only.

Your one-and-only is your territory. You own it, you build your story on it, you use it to uniquely characterize, differentiate and rise above the competition.

So how do you find that and get there? Try this:

Make a list of the three most important facets of your offering. For example, at the product level, that might be: 1. Speed 2. Precision 3. Ease of use. Maybe none of these things would be a point of differentiation by itself. But triangulated together as a unified territory, they could represent something distinct in the industry and, more importantly, ownable by you. Your only.

Maybe your only exists at a wider level, beyond the product. For example:

1.  Product: Advanced therapy capabilities

2.  Focus: Designed specifically for caregivers at home

3.  Support: Expert help on hand 24/7

However you put the pieces together, try to find your one-and-only. Because when you can say, “We’re the only alternative that delivers A, B and C,” you may find yourself in uniquely compelling territory. And there’s no substitute for that.

By Mike McMillan

Founding Partner, Chief Strategy Officer at Introworks

Mike spearheads GTM initiatives and branding campaigns for innovative technology companies.

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